Tutoring and multiple intelligences in Agricultural Mechanical Engineering

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José Ramón Soca-Cabrera
Gilberto de Jesús López-Canteñs
Nadia Rosa Chaviano-Rodríguez


In the present work the results of the study of the intellectual (CI) and emotional coefficients (CE), as well as the multiple intelligences of Gardner, of the students of Agricultural Mechanical Engineering of the Chapingo Autonomous University in 2015 are shown. Instrument applied was Multiorienta Software and it was applied to a sample of 244 students of grades 4, 5 and 6. The results show that CI = 90 and CE = 75 are above the national average; the competence: linguistic = 7.5; spatial = 5.0; musical = 4.3; kinesthetic = 5.2 and intrapersonal = 6.5 are around the national average; the logical - mathematical = 7.1, above; and the interpersonal = 5.1 below. Activities are recommended to reinforce and overcome each one of the intelligences in the Departmental Tutoring Program, through the work of the teachers-tutors.

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How to Cite
Soca-Cabrera, J. R., López-Canteñs, G. de J., & Chaviano-Rodríguez, N. R. (2019). Tutoring and multiple intelligences in Agricultural Mechanical Engineering. Ingeniería Agrícola, 9(2). Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/IAgric/article/view/1104
Nota Técnica


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