Agricultural Mechatronics Engineering Curriculum of the Autonomous University of Chapingo, Version 2017

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José Ramón Soca-Cabrera
Gilberto de Jesús López-Canteñs
Guadalupe Gaytán-Ruelas
Eugenio Romantchik-Kruskova
Efren Fitz-Rodríguez


This paper presents the results of the design of the curriculum of the Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural Mechatronics Engineering of the Autonomous University of Chapingo (UACh), Mexico, carried out in 2017. A qualitative-quantitative mixed-cut methodology was applied, through documentary diagnostic studies and analysis of applied surveys to the interest groups. The results demonstrate the urgent need for the UACh to offer Mexican society this new degree. The curriculum deals with the training of integral professionals with a broad profile, with the necessary skills to solve the main problems of the "society, industry and agriculture 4.0", through the generic and professional competencies of the graduates, with responsibility, social commitment and environmental care.

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How to Cite
Soca-Cabrera, J. R., López-Canteñs, G. de J., Gaytán-Ruelas, G., Romantchik-Kruskova, E., & Fitz-Rodríguez, E. (2018). Agricultural Mechatronics Engineering Curriculum of the Autonomous University of Chapingo, Version 2017. Ingeniería Agrícola, 8(4), 49. Retrieved from
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