Simulation of the Behavior of Agricultural Tire 7.50-20 by the Finite Element Method

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Raudel Flores-Moreno
Leonardo Arzuaga-Martínez
Arturo Martínez-Rodríguez
Gilberto de Jesús López-Canteñs
Eugenio Romantchik-Kriuchkova
Pedro Ramón Mayans-Céspedes


The objective of the work was to obtain a numeric model of simulation for the tire 7.50-20 that are able to explain in an effective way the behavior of the static deflections to different pressures of pumping. Two simulation models were developed by the method of finite elements for the system rim-tire (7.50-20) to predict its behavior under static load with different pressures, evaluating the models starting from experimental data. For the experimental test the percentages of relative errors oscillated between 0.89 and 6.37 %. The model one presented direct relationship among the pressure of pumping and the static deflection, contradicting the experimental results. The relative deviation of the deflections obtained among the model two and the experimental data with load of 4 800 N and pressure of 0.23 MPa, were of only 0.06 %, being been very near to those obtained experimentally. By means of the numeric simulation was determined the deflection in the system rim-tire 7.50-20, under the action of static loads and considering three pressures of pumping (0,13; 0,23 and 0,31 MPa). The development of this model will benefit in a great way the design of tires giving a general vision of the relationship between aspects like the pressure of pumping, the load and the deflection

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How to Cite
Flores-Moreno, R., Arzuaga-Martínez, L., Martínez-Rodríguez, A., López-Canteñs, G. de J., Romantchik-Kriuchkova, E., & Mayans-Céspedes, P. R. (2019). Simulation of the Behavior of Agricultural Tire 7.50-20 by the Finite Element Method. Ingeniería Agrícola, 9(4). Retrieved from
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