Methodology to evaluate the thermodynamic and agronomic quality of the process of solar drying of seeds

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Martha Isabel Moinelo-LavastidaI
Yanoy Morejón-Mesa
Gemma Domínguez-Calvo


The research was guided in establishing a methodology to evaluate the thermodynamic and agronomic quality of the process of solar drying of seeds, for it were considered the different methods and technologies of solar drying used in the postharvest handling of seeds. For the establishment of the proposed methodology was considered from the thermodynamic point of view, the energy retention inside the drying installation, being evaluated starting from the different forms of heat transfer (conduction, convection and radiation), the selection of the most appropriate materials for the construction of this type of facilities, as well as the régime of hot air to introduce or humid air to extract. Among the basic thermodynamic aspects considered, were observed the influence of the type and shape of the solar collector, the airflow and the seed type to process about the technological efficiency of the process. For the agronomic analysis were considered the quality characteristics of the seeds, among those the physical quality of the seeds of a specific sample; the physiologic quality, which refers to aspects of the performing of the seed (vigor and germination); the genetic quality, which is related to the specific genetic characteristics of the seed variety and the sanitary quality of the seeds, which refers to the presence or absence of illnesses or plagues inside the samples of seeds.

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How to Cite
Moinelo-LavastidaI, M. I., Morejón-Mesa, Y., & Domínguez-Calvo, G. (2018). Methodology to evaluate the thermodynamic and agronomic quality of the process of solar drying of seeds. Ingeniería Agrícola, 8(3), 60–66. Retrieved from
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