Influence of the attitude, quality and satisfaction of photovoltaic energy in agriculture

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Bonifacio Gaona-Ponce
J. Reyes Altamirano-Cárdenas
Jorge Gustavo Ocampo-Ledesma
Gilberto de Jesús López-Canteñs


In Mexico, the installed capacity of photovoltaic energy (PVE) by 2016 was 0.004% of the entire national capacity, despite the country's excellent geographic location to exploit solar radiation, low production costs and low environment impact that it represents. Photovoltaic systems have been successfully used in the agricultural sector, although still with low diffusion. Since it is not easy to identify the direct causes that have limited the adoption of PVE, it is necessary to identify those intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influence its acceptance and acquisition, these findings could be of special interest to manufacturers and distributors of this technology. The purpose of this research was to determine factors of attitude, quality and satisfaction, which determine the decision of purchase photovoltaic energy technology. A semi-structured survey was conducted to 39 agricultural producers, users of the PVE, in the region of Texcoco, State of Mexico. By obtaining correlation coefficients between the elements of attitude, quality and satisfaction, those associated with purchase decision were detected. A hierarchical cluster analysis was applied and three groups with defined significant attributes were formed, which were verified through a discriminant canonical analysis, these techniques determined sensitivity levels with which each element influences the purchase decision of PVE.

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How to Cite
Gaona-Ponce, B., Altamirano-Cárdenas, J. R., Ocampo-Ledesma, J. G., & López-Canteñs, G. de J. (2021). Influence of the attitude, quality and satisfaction of photovoltaic energy in agriculture. Ingeniería Agrícola, 11(2). Retrieved from
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