Social prevention in the community from the perspective of the integrated community work and the local development

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Elda Julia Mora Marichal
Elaine Artigas Pérez


The general objective of the research was to systematize studies related to social prevention in the community from the perspective of integrated community work and local development. Various perspectives were considered at the international and national level, due to the relevance that studies of this nature currently have. Multiple criteria were corroborated where the policies and legal norms of each territory are fundamental for the success of social prevention. It was verified that the resources of the communities and, especially, the integrated working group existing in each municipality of Cuba, allow for more precise monitoring, since the policy for local development itself offers resources for monitoring social prevention. These are also expressed in programs and projects contextualized according to the reality of each community, always based on the articulation and participation of the sectors and actors. The study took into account various theoretical methods where analysis-synthesis, historical-logical and documentary analysis were privileged. Also, it demonstrated that it is possible to achieve a community with fewer social problems, which advances in the construction of a sustainable and intelligent town.

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How to Cite
Mora Marichal, E. J., & Artigas Pérez, E. (2022). Social prevention in the community from the perspective of the integrated community work and the local development. Revista De Gestión Del Conocimiento Y El Desarrollo Local, 9(2), Retrieved from
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