Software for evaluating the impact of research projects in Agricultural Engineering

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Héctor R. de las Cuevas-Milán
Idaris Gómez-Ravelo
Astrid Fernández de Castro-Fabre
Pedro Paneque-Rondón


The software for evaluating the impact of research projects called "IMPACTOp", is a tool to assess the impact of research projects, based on a system of indicators proposed by Fernandez de Castro and Shkiliova in 2012. The same It is structured in four dimensions: knowledge, economic, social and environmental, and 30 indicators aimed at measuring in which areas and to what extent a research project has or will have an impact. In this system, the estimated quantification of the change expected to occur in the scientific, economic, social and environmental fields has been automated. For the design of the software, a theoretical analysis of the impacts that the project generates in its context has been carried out in the different areas or areas. In the present work, an analysis of the impact is carried out, using the valuation method of each indicator in a range of 1 to 5 points, where the values are subsequently normalized in the range of 1 to 100. The impact is calculated by way of example. of the project, a set of machines for conservation tillage.

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How to Cite
de las Cuevas-Milán, H. R., Gómez-Ravelo, I., Fernández de Castro-Fabre, A., & Paneque-Rondón, P. (2020). Software for evaluating the impact of research projects in Agricultural Engineering. Ingeniería Agrícola, 10(3). Retrieved from


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