Technological Evaluation of the Industrial Drying Process of Rice on Ramón López Peña Grain Drier

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Tamara Fernández-Gómez
Dariel Díaz-Ruiz
Yanoy Morejón-Mesa
Gemma Domínguez-Calvo


The research was carry out on the Ramón López Peña grain drier, of the Managerial Base Unit (UEB) Guillermo Castillo, Artemisa province, Cuba, with the objective of evaluate technologically the process of industrial drying of the grains of rice. To complete the proposed objective the main parameters of technological efficiency and costs of exploitation were determined; settling down the corresponding theoretical-methodological grounds. Among the main obtained results, it was evidenced that the variety of grains and the mixture of different varieties in the drying installation determine the efficiency of the process. Also that the stability of the technological process have a direct influence on the quality and productive efficiency, aspect that is demonstrated in the values of the rate of reduction of moisture content, required electric power and productivity, achieved by the analysed lots.

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How to Cite
Fernández-Gómez, T., Díaz-Ruiz, D., Morejón-Mesa, Y., & Domínguez-Calvo, G. (2019). Technological Evaluation of the Industrial Drying Process of Rice on Ramón López Peña Grain Drier. Ingeniería Agrícola, 9(3). Retrieved from
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