Study of the Main Quality Properties of Banana, Orinoco Variety, Stored at Room Temperature

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Lazara Rangel Montes de Oca
Jorge Garcia Coronado
Annia García Pereira
Leidy L Monzón-Monrabal


Agricultural products require high quality, conditioned by their physical, chemical and mechanical properties, which are closely related to post-harvest handling and they influence the decision-making and the consumer´s preference. Hence, the interest of the research was to study the main quality properties of banana, Orinoco variety, stored at room temperature. For this, it was necessary to store 42 fruits at room temperature, dividing them into three groups of the same quantity for different types of packaging (wooden box, cardboard and bulk, taking the latter as a control). The properties (weight loss, firmness, pH, contents soluble solids) were evaluated daily during a five-day investigation period and subsequently processed using statistical tools. Characterization of this crop stored at room temperature was obtained in three forms of packaging. The properties evaluated obey a pattern of temporal variability distributed in three periods corresponding to the initial day, between two and three days and between four and five days of storage of the fruit. The best packaging was in cardboard boxes, showing minor changes in each of the properties, where the values of Pp in the five days of the experiment had maximum values of 16.76 g and on average 3.35 g per day. The models obtained for each determined and predicted property are adjusted to second order polynomials, where statistics are obtained that show the credibility of the results, which facilitates the planning of the post-harvest stage by producers and marketers.

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Como Citar
Montes de Oca, L. R., Garcia Coronado, J., García Pereira, A., & Monzón-Monrabal, L. L. (2023). Study of the Main Quality Properties of Banana, Orinoco Variety, Stored at Room Temperature. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 32(3), Obtido de
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