A proposal of integrated management of Mucuna pruriens (L.) D.C. (pica-pica) in sugarcane plantations in Cuba

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Bárbara C. Barreto-Pérez
Rigoberto Martínez-Ramírez
Rafael Zuaznábar-Zuaznábar
Maribel González-Hidalgo


Mucuna pruriens (L.) D.C.) (Pica-pica) is a weed that has increased in the sugarcane plantations of Cuba, belongs to the class Magnoliatae, family Fabaceae, genus Mucuna. Due to its morphological characteristics and stinging power, it creates difficulties for mechanization and handly harvest, inducing additional payments for manual cutting and a negative environmental impact, due to the burning of fields with high infestation. The work was carried out with the aim of proposing a management that attenuates the presence of pica-pica in the areas planted with sugar cane in Cuba. For that, we evaluated the frequency of occurrence changes in the period 2007-2015 at the national level, based on the data from the surveys of the Integral Weed Control Service (SERCIM). Its distribution was determined through the relative frequency, being classified according to the frequency value in the categories: Accidental, Uncommon, Moderately frequent and Very frequent. The average values of frequency showed that the species grew during the studied period, changing in the last two years from the Accidental to the Uncommon category. Besides, was made an economic evaluation of infected areas that showed an increase of harvest costs. It is propose an integrated management strategy base on the employ of cultural, physical, and chemical measurements.

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How to Cite
Barreto-Pérez, B. C., Martínez-Ramírez, R., Zuaznábar-Zuaznábar, R., & González-Hidalgo, M. (2017). A proposal of integrated management of Mucuna pruriens (L.) D.C. (pica-pica) in sugarcane plantations in Cuba. Ingeniería Agrícola, 7(4), 47–50. Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/IAgric/article/view/793
Artículos Originales
Author Biography

Bárbara C. Barreto-Pérez, Instituto de Investigaciones de la caña de Azúcar (INICA)



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