Irrigation Water Productivity in the Cultivation of Bean Under Production Conditions

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Dania Rodríguez Correa
Camilo Bonet-Pérez
Pedro A. Guerrero-Posada
Bárbara Mola-Fines
Gerónimo Avilés Martínez
Charissa Martínez Der


At worldwide scale the agriculture is the biggest consumer of water, coinciding the reports when pointing out that it consumes 70% of the total water used in the planet annually, being necessary to increase the efficiency of its use. In that sense in the world are carried out efforts guided to obtaining of more food with less water. This research had as objective to evaluate the behavior of the productivity of the irrigation water in the bean cropping. The study was carried out in the Basic Unit of Cooperative Production (UBPC) "Victoria II", of the Agricultural Company Camagüey, where the irrigation was carried out using machines of central pivot on a Fersialitic brown red soil. The obtained results show values of water irrigation productivity in a range from 1,90 to 7,70 m3/kg in equality of conditions of soils, irrigation technology and cultivation, which confirms the incidence of other factors others than the irrigation. The obtained results in different irrigation systems show inadequacies in the practices of handling of the technology being necessary the implementation of good agricultural practices.

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How to Cite
Rodríguez Correa, D., Bonet-Pérez, C., Guerrero-Posada, P. A., Mola-Fines, B., Avilés Martínez, G., & Martínez Der, C. (2022). Irrigation Water Productivity in the Cultivation of Bean Under Production Conditions. Ingeniería Agrícola, 12(3). Retrieved from
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