Handling during rice harvest and its influence on the quality of industrial drying

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Dariel Díaz-Ruiz
Yanoy Morejón-Mesa
Gemma Domínguez-Calvo
Leidy Laura Monzón-Monrabal
Geisy Hernández-Cuello


The present investigation was carried out in the Industrial Drying Facility “Ramón López Peña", entity belonging to the Managerial Unit of Base (UEB) “Guillermo Castillo", located in the municipality San Cristóbal, county Artemisa, Cuba; the same one was carried out with the objective of determining the relationship between the handling during rice harvest and its influence on the quality of the industrial drying. To complete the proposed objective the main parameters they were determined of technological and quality of the grain; settling down the corresponding theoretical-methodological foundations. Among the main obtained results it was evidenced that the nonfulfillment of the technological operations in the cultural labors and in the harvest period, favorable the mixture of different varieties in the drying installation, aspect that influences directly in the stability of the technological process and in the quality of the grain d during the drying process, being observed that the biggest percents of sludges were reached, specifically, for the presence of mash grains, vain grains, green and milky grains and undesirable seeds.

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How to Cite
Díaz-Ruiz, D., Morejón-Mesa, Y., Domínguez-Calvo, G., Monzón-Monrabal, L. L., & Hernández-Cuello, G. (2021). Handling during rice harvest and its influence on the quality of industrial drying. Ingeniería Agrícola, 11(2). Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/IAgric/article/view/1363
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