Advances on the path of digital competencies in university teachers and managers. A look from Agricultural Sciences

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Annia García Pereira
Gemma Domínguez Calvo
Boris Pérez Hernández


The main objective of this work was to develop digital skills in university teachers and managers and within the reach of some transformations for the fulfillment of the institutional objectives established for the five-year period 2021-2025 at the Agrarian University of Havana (UNAH) that demonstrate an impact of the higher education institution. For this, it was first necessary to identify through a diagnosis the training needs in digital skills of teachers and managers, of the Faculty of Technical Sciences of UNAH and then implement a methodological strategy based on the results of the diagnosis that includes different forms of training. for teachers and university administrators. The results achieved show a qualitative and quantitative leap in the results achieved by teachers, reflected in the use and quantity of subjects on the Moodle platform, in the percentage increase of teachers with academic profiles that have improved the visibility of the institution in only one year, as well as the percentage of teachers and managers who use the cloud as storage space and who consider specialized search strategies in investigative processes.

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How to Cite
García Pereira, A., Domínguez Calvo, G., & Pérez Hernández, B. (2023). Advances on the path of digital competencies in university teachers and managers. A look from Agricultural Sciences. Revista De Gestión Del Conocimiento Y El Desarrollo Local, 10(2), Retrieved from
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