Published: 2020-08-08

Localized irrigation using geotextil porous pipe

Julián Herrera-Puebla, Víctor Tejeda-Marrero, Luis Hiran Riverol-Marrero, Enrique Cisneros-Zayas, Reinaldo Cun-González, Orlando Sarmiento-García

Irrigation quality study in central pivot machines

Reinaldo Cun-González, Felicita González-Robaina, Enrique Cisneros-Zayas, Zenén Placeres-Miranda, Andy Lago-Salazar, Abelardo Sánchez, Marta Ricardo-Calzadilla

Effect of the Application of Different Products on the Outcrop of the Sugar Cane

Yoandry González-Hernández, Desiré Baigorría-Padrón, Lázaro Pardo-Mora, Javier Delgado-Padrón, Javier Rodríguez-García, Yanisleidys Álvarez-Guerra, Areli Rodríguez-Martínez, Gonzalo Padrón-López