A Methodology for Integral Critical Analysis of Sugar Cane Harvesting Machines CASE IH

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Antonio Daquinta-Gradaille
Claudio Pérez-Olmo


This work proposes a methodology of critical analysis as a tool that allows establishing, under homologated criteria the hierarchies between systems, equipments and components of the sugar cane harvesting machines CASE-IH 7000 and 8000 according to their contribution to the total risk associated to the process of mechanized harvesting of the sugarcane. The proposed methodology is based on methodologies for the critical analysis such as: Maintenance Based on a Critical Analysis and the phase of qualitative analysis of inspections based on the risk according to the API-581 norm, the Ciliberti method and the Norsok Z-008 standard. It considers the virtues of traditional methodologies and incorporates novel elements directed to the critical analysis in mobile systems. It is an integral method for organizing MSEP (machine, system, ensemble and part) into a hierarchy, according to its critical analysis and to make the values discrete, being related to the impact of the fails in the production, security and the environment, allowing the selection of actions for mitigating the risk.

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How to Cite
Daquinta-Gradaille, A., & Pérez-Olmo, C. (2018). A Methodology for Integral Critical Analysis of Sugar Cane Harvesting Machines CASE IH. Ingeniería Agrícola, 8(2), 55–61. Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/IAgric/article/view/938
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