Effect of the Wind Direction in the Irrigation Quality in Central Pivot Machines

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Camilo Bonet-Pérez
Bárbara Mola-Fines
Dania Rodríguez-Correa
Pedro Guerrero-Posada
Fernando Machado-Pérez
Taiyanys Zamora-Martín


The efficient use of the irrigation systems constitutes an aspect of vital importance for the achievement of appropriate securities of water productivity. This efficiency will be conditioned in great measure by the behavior of the climatic variables during the irrigation process. With the objective of valuing the effect of the direction of the wind in the quality of the irrigation with central pivot machines in dependence of the different positions that it occupies during the irrigation an evaluation was carried out in the UBPC Victoria II of the Empresa Agropecuaria Camagüey. Were determined the parameters of the irrigation quality in three positions of the machine regarding wind direction, two in the direction of the wind and one perpendicular. The results indicate a variation in the behavior of the valued parameters, reaching the most unfavorable securities in Coefficient of Uniformity (80 %), Uniformity of Distribution (78 %), Efficiency of Discharge (72 %) and Appropriately Irrigated Area (44 %) when the machine is located  perpendicular to the  direction of wind, that indicates the convenience of considering the position of the machine in relation to the wind during the evaluation process in order to achieve a better interpretation of the observed results.

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How to Cite
Bonet-Pérez, C., Mola-Fines, B., Rodríguez-Correa, D., Guerrero-Posada, P., Machado-Pérez, F., & Zamora-Martín, T. (2024). Effect of the Wind Direction in the Irrigation Quality in Central Pivot Machines. Ingeniería Agrícola, 14(2), https://cu-id.com/2284/v14n2e06. Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/IAgric/article/view/1857
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