Prediction of bean yield for the SSP1-2.6 climate scenario

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Liz Brenda Toledo-Pérez
Felicita González-Robaina
Enrique Cisneros-Zayas
Luis Hirán Riverol-Marrero
Carmen Duarte-Díaz


Climate scenarios are coherent and consistent descriptions of how the earth's climate system may change in the future. These scenarios represent different futures under specific conditions and at a certain time. The objective of this study is to predict bean yields in compacted Red Ferralitic soil under the SSP1-2.6 climate change scenario and the HadGEM3, Mpi-esm1 and Mri-esm2 models with the use of the AquaCrop simulation model. To select the hydrological years, a study of a series of 28 years (2023–2050) was carried out for the period November-April (crop development period) for each model. The annual rainfall estimated under the SSP1-2.6 scenario by the three models studied was compared. The Mpi-esm1 estimates the highest values of precipitation in 26 of the 28 years studied, and in 17 years values above 1500 mm. While the HadGEM3 model estimates 8 years less than 1000 mm. The possibility of achieving yields of 2,6 t·ha-1 and water productivity of 1,1 kg·m-3 for beans, is evident, if the crop is not subjected to any type of limitation except plant genetics, solar radiation and temperature, and rainfall is sufficient in this dry period. The results show the AquaCrop model as a viable alternative for analyzing productivity in response to available water and evaluating the impact of climate change on crop yields.

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How to Cite
Toledo-Pérez, L. B., González-Robaina, F., Cisneros-Zayas, E., Riverol-Marrero, L. H., & Duarte-Díaz, C. (2024). Prediction of bean yield for the SSP1-2.6 climate scenario. Ingeniería Agrícola, 14(1), Retrieved from
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