Coefficient of the Class A Pan Evaporimeter to Estimate the Reference Evapotranspiration in the Artemisa Province

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Julián Herrera-Puebla
Felicita González-Robaina
Orlando Sarmiento-García
Reinaldo Cun-González
Yoima Chaterlán-Durruthy
Enrique Cisneros-Zayas


The precise determination of the coefficients of the Class A evaporimeter tank allows us to estimate the reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and obtain real values ​​of water needs of the crops. In the present work, the Kp coefficient was estimated using the two equations proposed by FAO, Snyder, Orang, Cuenca and the ETo Ratio determined by the Penman-Monteith (PM) method and the Eo determined in the class A evaporimeter. For the estimation of Kp, the climatic data from the climatic station of the Agricultural Engineering Research Institute in Alquizar for the period 1975-1990; with these coefficients, the ETo was calculated from evaporation data for the period 2019-2022, which was contrasted with the ETo estimated by the Penman-Monteith equation; the statistical parameters were determined for the cross analysis between the different methods to estimate ETo: mean absolute error, coefficient of agreement, efficiency and the coefficient of determination. The statistical parameters applied in the validation of the models indicated greater precision in the estimation of ETo for the decadal values ​​with the FAO 1 equations and the ETo/Eo relationship, while for the monthly values ​​these two models and the Cuenca model. It is recommended, due to its ease of obtaining, the use of the Kp obtained by the ETo/Eo model for the determination of the ETo in the region studied.

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How to Cite
Herrera-Puebla, J., González-Robaina, F., Sarmiento-García, O., Cun-González, R., Chaterlán-Durruthy, Y., & Cisneros-Zayas, E. (2024). Coefficient of the Class A Pan Evaporimeter to Estimate the Reference Evapotranspiration in the Artemisa Province. Ingeniería Agrícola, 14(1), Retrieved from
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