Characterization of the chemical composition of the BIOL obtained on the Isla de la Juventud

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Iván Luis Sánchez-Llevat
Reinaldo Ravelo-Ortega
Martha Moreno-Nuñez
Bárbara Vivian Covas-Constantin


The research was carried out in the Plant Health Laboratory of the Isla de la Juventud in 2021.  A BIOL liquid organic foliar fertilizer was prepared, the result of anaerobic biodigestion of manure and crop residues. Through anaerobic fermentation in three treatments at 30, 45 and 60 days and three repetitions. In order to characterize the physical chemical composition and quality of the Biol obtained; from the analyzes carried out by the UCELAB laboratory of the Institute of Animal Science (ICA). The data were processed with the Infostat 2012 program and to assess the significant differences between the treatments, the Fischer test and Duncan's multiple range test were used for p<0.05 in the comparison of means. As a result of the analysis, the physical-chemical composition of Biol presents values of dry matter (DM in %) 0.30-0.31, pH 6.75-7, manganese (Mn in ppm) 41.19-41.76, calcium (Ca in ppm) 4098.84- 4101.08, magnesium (Mg in ppm) 4505.84- 4507.45, potassium (K2O in ppm) 9125.10- 9125.95, sodium (Na in ppm) 10348, 46- 10351.54 and zinc (Zn in ppm) 169.13- 172.17. When comparing these results with some quality standards, it was determined that the Biol obtained is in the appropriate ranges and there are no significant differences in terms of its composition between the treatments. It is concluded that the Biol obtained has the necessary quality to be used in agriculture and 30 days is chosen as the optimal fermentation time.

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How to Cite
Sánchez-Llevat, I. L., Ravelo-Ortega, R., Moreno-Nuñez, M., & Covas-Constantin, B. V. (2023). Characterization of the chemical composition of the BIOL obtained on the Isla de la Juventud. Ingeniería Agrícola, 13(4), Retrieved from
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