Digital Transformation of the Agri-Food Sector in Cuba

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Neili Machado-García
Astrid Fernández de Castro-Fabre
Claudia Farradas-Machado


The project aims to contribute to the national policy to improve national food production, and therefore food security, through the development of a training program in digital skills that allows reducing technical barriers; through which vulnerable groups benefit from the experiences derived from academic expertise, contributing to the development of an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable agri-food sector, making it a more attractive space that generates quality and inclusive jobs.To meet the objectives, a Training Program supported on the Moodle platform is launched for farmers in the province. This contribution becomes relevant and is aligned with the country's priorities, by proposing from an articulating approach, the strengthening of local capacities that contributes to innovation and management, on the principles of integrality, sustainability and social inclusion, to impact on the food safety. In the theoretical and practical foundation, the following problem is posed to be solved, how to improve the resilience of food production systems and promote the sustainable use of natural resources in the Cuban productive sector. The specific objectives are to identify technological opportunities and training needs in digital skills through a diagnosis; Design a training course in digital skills for an ecosystem of data from IoT sensors, Geopositioning Systems, Drones and Virtual Assistants (Chatbots) and implement the training of trainers in these skills promoting food security and sovereignty.

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How to Cite
Machado-García, N., Fernández de Castro-Fabre, A., & Farradas-Machado, C. (2023). Digital Transformation of the Agri-Food Sector in Cuba . Ingeniería Agrícola, 13(2). Retrieved from
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