Baseline for Obtaining Neutrality in Soil Degradation in Cuba

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Luis Rivero Ramos
Olegario Muñiz Ugarte
Jessica Fernández Casañas
Manuel Farradaz Campos
Javier Arcia Porrua


Halting and reversing soil degradation and loss of biodiversity is part of the Goals of the 2030 Agenda and in particular of the Goal of Sustainable Development 15 (SDG 15). With this aim, the goal 15.3 was approved, which proposes to achieve a world with “land degradation neutrality (LDN)” by the year 2030, which is reached when the area of productive land remains stable or increases by globally or in a terrestrial ecosystem. Its evaluation requires the analysis of the prior NDT Baseline, in the case of Cuba for the year 2015, for which three basic NDT indicators are used (Land Cover; Soil Organic Carbon Reserve and Land Productivity) and its evaluation using default data methods and their complementation with national data. The joint analysis of these and other results show the tendency to increase soil productivity in Cuba. This article describes the calculation of the Baseline, the first stage for the development of the process of establishing the Goals to obtain the Neutrality of Land Degradation (LDN) in Cuba in the year 2030.

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How to Cite
Rivero Ramos, L., Muñiz Ugarte, O., Fernández Casañas, J., Farradaz Campos, M., & Arcia Porrua, J. (2021). Baseline for Obtaining Neutrality in Soil Degradation in Cuba. Ingeniería Agrícola, 11(4). Retrieved from
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