Historical Summary of the Concept of Quality from the Neolithic Revolution to Precision Agriculture

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Damián Purón-Rodríguez
Víctor Manuel Tejeda-Marrero


The development of humanity went from the perfected ancient instruments and the surplus that changed the reality of many centuries, passing through the artistic expression that integrated scientific knowledge with culture, to its incidence in innovation, sentencing to death the status quo, brake of progress. Thus, history engendered great inventions that evolved from the Neolithic Revolution to the Industrial Revolution, which in its various stages reached our days, accelerating the creative process in industry, agriculture, scientific thought and society in general. In this context, the issue of quality has been inserted, with a historiography that recognizes an overflow of redundant definitions and the lack of consensus on a universally accepted definition of the term quality in a sea of conceptual axioms and practices associated mainly with the business phenomenon and the production. Given this reality, the present work does not propose to make up for the shortcomings of the historical-literary production that has approached the subject in its socio-economic and political context; but to provide an assessment about the circumstances of human creation emphasizing elements that are historically significant.

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How to Cite
Purón-Rodríguez, D., & Tejeda-Marrero, V. M. (2021). Historical Summary of the Concept of Quality from the Neolithic Revolution to Precision Agriculture. Ingeniería Agrícola, 11(3). Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/IAgric/article/view/1402
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