Methodology for Determining the Optimal Replacement Interval for an Agricultural Machine

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Antonio Daquinta-Gradaille
Antonio Daquinta-De la Cruz


The use of agricultural equipment in food production leads to an average total cost of operation that is made up of the following items: investment or purchase value of the equipment, operation and maintenance cost; and economic obsolescence. Establishing a replacement policy for agricultural equipment used by an agricultural company is a delicate and complex process, the moment in which the need for replacement is evident if not showed in a precise or defined way it can often lead to incorrect decisions. There is an optimal replacement point between the decreasing and increasing cost functions, the decreasing cost function is the depreciation of the original equipment, and the effects of increasing operation and maintenance costs can be evaluated according to two techniques: tabulation or classical optimization. The tabulation method has two great advantages: it is simple and allows the use of discontinuous data. This article aims to explain the methodology to apply the method of tabulation and mathematical modeling, without considering the effect of the variation in the value of money over time as a basis in the analysis of the Average Total Cost (ATC), thus establishing the rules decision to establish the replacement interval of agricultural equipment.

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How to Cite
Daquinta-Gradaille, A., & Daquinta-De la Cruz, A. (2021). Methodology for Determining the Optimal Replacement Interval for an Agricultural Machine. Ingeniería Agrícola, 11(2). Retrieved from
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