Design and assembly of the subject Information Management in the Distance Education

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Astrid Fernández de Castro Fabre
Naydelín Sánchez Ortega


In the present work an analysis is shown on the design and assembly of the subject "Management of Information" for the career of Engineering in Agro industrial Processes in the modality of Distance Education E@D. For the design of this subject, the Program and Study Guide were made and the topics were categorized. For the assembly, the visibility of information and contents was taken into account in order to achieve an understanding of the topics to be dealt with in the virtual environment, in order to obtain a clear vision of the contents. Likewise, it was emphasized that the materials were directly related to the agricultural sciences.).

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How to Cite
Fernández de Castro Fabre, A., & Sánchez Ortega, N. (2019). Design and assembly of the subject Information Management in the Distance Education. Ingeniería Agrícola, 9(2). Retrieved from
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