Access, permanence and graduation of students with disabilities in Cuban higher education
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The issue being addressed is a priority for the world and for Cuba because among the most vulnerable sectors are people with disabilities, even though there is a political will to create a society that is increasingly inclusive, equitable, participatory and with learning opportunities for all throughout life. This research is the result of a bibliographic study of the laws, regulations and resolutions issued in the national context, as well as the phases proposed by (Molina, 2010) to develop the process of inclusion of students with disabilities in Cuban Higher Education: access, permanence and graduation with quality. It lays the theoretical and methodological foundations for the implementation of the international Erasmus + project "Promoting accessibility of students with disabilities to higher education in Cuba, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic / ACCESS. In Cuba, since the Constitution of the Republic, people with disabilities have equal opportunities and education is a right for all, which is why the Central State Bodies establish regulations related to the Attention to Disability. Recently, the Ministry of Higher Education issued a new resolution to guarantee the full training of students with disabilities in order to improve, follow up and monitor the comprehensive care and access of people with disabilities to Higher Education, that is why the Agrarian University of Havana (UNAH), issued the Rectoral Resolution No. 59 / 2021 which establishes the POLICY of the Ministry of Higher Education. 59 / 2021 which establishes the POLICY FOR INTEGRAL ATTENTION TO STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES IN UNAH and is elaborated taking into account the three fundamental phases to develop the process of inclusion of students with disabilities in Higher Education.
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