Artifacts and technologies of the Cuban aborigines for their living

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Arcadio Ríos-Hernández


To guarantee their feeding the different communities of Cuban aborigines carried out different types of actions of gathering, hunt, fishing, and processing of products and even some of them performed an incipient, but effective agriculture. For that they used a great variety of implements and other technical artifacts and productive technologies. As a source of information for students and researchers in the field of the agricultural engineering, in the IAgric a work of collection and analysis of information was developed on these activities as part of a study on the history of the agriculture in our country. Were specified the different communities and their distribution, characteristics and grade of development, as well as the types of foods and other means for living and the ways for obtaining it.

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How to Cite
Ríos-Hernández, A. (2018). Artifacts and technologies of the Cuban aborigines for their living. Ingeniería Agrícola, 8(3), 67–72. Retrieved from
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