Proposal of extension strategy of good irrigation practices in a productive agricultural unit

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Dania Rodriguez-Correa
Camilo Bonet-Pérez


The Productive Unit UBPC Victoria II of the Agricultural Company Camagüey has an infrastructure of advanced irrigation technology, what locates it in this sense above the entities of its type in the county, but the productive results are not in correspondence with the available technology. With the objective of knowing the factors that are impacting in those results and to develop the actions aimed to their solution a diagnosis is performed based on a survey starting from the approach of the consulted Experts. The result together to a precedent work, defines the main work addresses to elaborate a Strategy of Extension and a Plan of Action which is valued with the workers, technicians and directive personnel of the UBPC. The results point out that the technical training, the necessary incorporation of young and women to the activity, the stimulation to achieve sense of ownership, the stability and the obtaining of high indicators of production and use of water constitute the main action lines. The actions expected to execute in a short term have begun, that makes foresee the obtaining of satisfactory results that could serve as reference for their application in other units, whenever there are considered the particularities of each case.

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How to Cite
Rodriguez-Correa, D., & Bonet-Pérez, C. (2018). Proposal of extension strategy of good irrigation practices in a productive agricultural unit. Ingeniería Agrícola, 8(2), 35–40. Retrieved from
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