Yield of Strawberry Cultivated Under Urban Agricultural Conditions

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Geisy Hernández-Cuello
Jeny Pérez-Petitón
María León-Fundora


The objective of this paper was evaluate the crop yields of strawberry crop Misionaria variety under hydroponic conditions with drip irrigation. The experiment was carried out at the Institute of Agricultural Engineering Research (Agric) located in the municipality of Arroyo Naranjo, Province of Havana. Three irrigation treatments were evaluated with four replicates, which consisted of using crop coefficients (Kc) through the crop cycle, for the calculation of the irrigation dose using the class “A” evaporimeter method and irrigation frequency every two days. The irrigation scheduling of the strawberry, with the use of Kc = 0.7, ensured a level of moisture in the soil capable of satisfying the water needs of the crop and thus achieving maximum yields. Obtaining yields per plants greater than 120 g, with about 23 fruits of average weight between 5 and 6 g. For an overall yield close to 10 t / ha.

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How to Cite
Hernández-Cuello, G., Pérez-Petitón, J., & León-Fundora, M. (2018). Yield of Strawberry Cultivated Under Urban Agricultural Conditions. Ingeniería Agrícola, 8(1), 21–25. Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/IAgric/article/view/847
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