Simulation the effect of the water stress in the sorghum in Red Ferralitic soils

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Felicita González-Robaina
Rosabel Delgado-Acosta
Yunier Díaz-Pérez
Julián Herrera-Puebla
Teresa López-Seijas
Greco Cid-Lazo


The prediction of the yield of cultivations has been a high-priority objective, so much with the purpose of increasing the knowledge of the relationships climate-water-soil-cultivation, like to generate information that can take advantage in the planning and management of the agricultural production. AquaCrop is a simulation model designed for the analysis of the productivity of different cultivations in answer to the available water. The pattern carries out a balance of water in the floor and it evaluates impacts of the water stress on the production. The goal of the work was evaluate the model prediction capacity to simulate water stress for the sorghum in Red Ferralitic soil. The data were obtained of field experiments carried out in the experimental station of the Institute of Investigations of Irrigation and Draining, Alquizar. The grain yield predictions of the model were good with a value of 0,5 t ha-1 for the root mean square error (RMSE), modeling efficiency of 0,80 and Will mott´s index of agreement (d) of 0,95. The simulation with water stress showed a decrease of canopy cover, biomass production and yield of the sorghum in a 11, 16,5 and 18,8% respectively with relationship to the one obtained without water stress. For the two categories of selected year (dry and humid), with single watering guarantees to replace the critical stages of the cultivation the agricultural yield in the humid year was superior in 17,8% with values of 4,77 t ha-1 in comparison to the dry one.

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How to Cite
González-Robaina, F., Delgado-Acosta, R., Díaz-Pérez, Y., Herrera-Puebla, J., López-Seijas, T., & Cid-Lazo, G. (2018). Simulation the effect of the water stress in the sorghum in Red Ferralitic soils. Ingeniería Agrícola, 8(1), 3–12. Retrieved from
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