Factors for crop water response

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Felicita González Robaina


In these work, it is analyzed the influence of different factor as variety, planting date and soil type in the water response of main agricultural crop based using available information obtained from more than 100 feld experiments due in Cuba; its include 20 crops, 6 different soils types and water management and it was also used the water yield functions obtained in antecedent studies. The variety factor was analyzed for corn and pepper comparing results of yield water functions for different varieties in the same type of soil, Ferrasol. The planting date factor was analyzed comparing results for soybean in summer, spring and winter season, for sorgo crop in summer and winter season and for pepper in november- april and march-may planting date. The soil factor was analyzed comparing results in pepper crop for two soil type, Ferrasol and Aluvial soil and in the sweet potato in three soil type, Ferrasol, Aluvial and Pardo soils. The analysis showed evidences
that although it was found particulars differences between varieties, plant season and soil types considering the absolutes values of yield and evapotranspiration or water applied, the response model was similar in all conditions studied indicating in this way, that it is possible to obtain
a general model for different conditions where the model is applicable.

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How to Cite
González Robaina, F. (2018). Factors for crop water response. Ingeniería Agrícola, 6(3), 11–17. Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/IAgric/article/view/822
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