Prediction of the net irrigation norms to future in the irrigation presage

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Carmen E. Duarte-Díaz
Julián Herrera-Puebla
Elisa Zamora-Herrera


In present work the net norms of the crops tomato, garlic, lettuce and corn are adjusted in function the incidence of the variability and the climatic change in Cuba, in that case it intended as objective to estimate the irrigations requirements to future of these crops of agricultural interest in the western area of Cuba, through the use of tools computations of modelation of the agricultural systems and of climatic regional model, that situation facilitate the precision of the norms toward later periods (2030 and 2050), to create the alternatives that are required and to achieve a correct efficient use of the disponibility water resource by virtue of the readiness that one has.The results indicated that one waits an increase in the reference evapotranspiration and the reduction in the precipitations what will cause an increase of the net norms of 5% in the tomato HC 3880, 14% in the Vietnamesegarlic, 19% in lettuce BSS and 8% in corn T66, what will indicate in the successive thing the application of a handling adaptation in the watering presage.

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How to Cite
Duarte-Díaz, C. E., Herrera-Puebla, J., & Zamora-Herrera, E. (2017). Prediction of the net irrigation norms to future in the irrigation presage. Ingeniería Agrícola, 7(3), 3–10. Retrieved from
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