Soil Fertility Sampling and Interpolation Using Ordinary Kriging for Thematic Mapping

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Eldo Yoel Flores-del Castillo
Osvaldo Delgado-GonzálezI


The objective of the research was to interpolate soil fertility variables using Ordinary Kriging to perform a thematic mapping of a rice area of the Agroindustrial Grain Company "Sur del Jíbaro". Soil sampling was carried out following the international methodology of FAO and NC 36:2009. Global Positioning Systems (GPS) were used to georeference all the information; with the Statgraphics software, the data was analyzed in an exploratory manner, corroborating that the PH and MO variables did not adjust to normality. With the Smart-Map plugin in the Qgis V 3.36 software, it was determined that the exponential model is the most appropriate to adjust the data to normality and to perform the interpolation. Thematic maps were made which represent the variability of the content of PH, MO, K2O and P2O5; the interpolation was reaffirmed through a cross-validation where the metrics projected values that ensured a good prediction.

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How to Cite
Flores-del Castillo, E. Y., & Delgado-GonzálezI, O. (2025). Soil Fertility Sampling and Interpolation Using Ordinary Kriging for Thematic Mapping. Ingeniería Agrícola, 15, Retrieved from
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