Water demand estimation for irrigation in three rice poles in Cuba

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Enrique Cisneros-Zayas
Julián Herrera-Puebla
Reinaldo Cun-González
Felicita González-Robaina
Yoima Chaterlan-Durruthy
Calixto Domínguez-Vento


In Cuba, rice consumes more than 30% of the total water demanded by crops in the Ministry of Agriculture. Taking into account the current climate conditions together with the new rice varieties, the present work is developed with the purpose of knowing the total net irrigation requirements for an average sowing cycle (130 days) and probabilities of occurrence of rainfall in three rice poles of Cuba. For this purpose, it was necessary to carry out a hydrological study of the work sites that allowed the characterization of the wet, medium and dry years from which the climatic variables involved in the determination of the reference evapotranspiration were defined, the crop coefficients were identified by development phases and the hydraulic parameters of soil functioning in the poles analyzed for their run in the CropWat program. From the study, the wet, medium and dry years were defined taking into account the probabilities, it was possible to specify that the total net standards vary according to the type of soil, climate and crop life cycle, being in the range for a medium year (50% probability) in the December-May period (876,59 and 1016,47 mm), May-September (1006,98 and 1035,97 mm) and July-October (1011,27 and 1022,97 mm). When compared to those proposed by INRH Resolution 7/2020 for the same study areas (10500 mm), they are lower, compared to the highest standards obtained, by 9,6; 9,8 and 9,7%, respectively.

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Cisneros-Zayas, E., Herrera-Puebla , J., Cun-González, R., González-Robaina, F., Chaterlan-Durruthy, Y., & Domínguez-Vento , C. (2025). Water demand estimation for irrigation in three rice poles in Cuba. Ingeniería Agrícola, 15, https://cu-id.com/2284/v15e05. Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/IAgric/article/view/2025
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