Ecological improvement of seeds of three tomato cultivars with recycled agromaterials

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Mayra Arteaga-Barrueta
José Antonio Pino-Roque
Rocío Sánchez-Rosales
Ambar Rosa Guzmán-Morales
Helen Veubides
Luis A. Montejo-Mesa
Ma. Margarita Díaz-de Armas
Omar Cartaya Rubio
Yaisys Blanco Valdés
Anacacis Strauss-Oliver


Organic seeds treated with residual solids from the productive agroecosystem, not yet managed for these purposes, are obtained; with the objective of evaluating the effect of coating seeds of three (Solanum lycorpesicum L.) tomato cultivars, with recycled agromaterials from the agroecosystem, on the physical and physiological properties of the seeds, as promoters of quality and efficiency of the germination process, of the first vegetative stage and conservation, which guarantees the sustainability of the crop production process. With the purpose of expanding the forms of application of the conceived bioproducts, establishing a methodology under the guidelines of the circular economy, reducing the amount of residual solid used and validated together with plant collagen. More effective protocols were established for the preparation of agromaterials, coating and evaluation of the quality of the treated seeds. The most efficient collagen extraction was obtained from 300 g plant material with 375 ml of water, the proportions of the coating mixtures when using 0.5 g residual solid in 1 ml of collagen. 80-95% of seeds were coated with 40-98% of the surface coated and mass of the adhered mixture of 0.30-0.60 g. The economic valuation of the process is manifested by using a lower consumption of agromaterials to achieve a promoting effect on the coated seeds in the seedbed stage in the physiological indicators: quality of the germination process, biomass formation, growth rates of the seedlings under conditions laboratory and productive; which provides for a more advantageous production process conditioned by positive externalities in its environmental impact. It is proposed as an alternative that will allow the development of sustainable circular agriculture.

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How to Cite
Arteaga-Barrueta, M., Pino-Roque, J. A., Sánchez-Rosales, R., Guzmán-Morales, A. R., Veubides, H., Montejo-Mesa, L. A., Díaz-de Armas, M. M., Cartaya Rubio, O., Blanco Valdés, Y., & Strauss-Oliver, A. (2025). Ecological improvement of seeds of three tomato cultivars with recycled agromaterials. Ingeniería Agrícola, 15, Retrieved from
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