Survey-diagnosis on the level of knowledge about computing, at the Guayabal University Farm

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Neili Machado-García
Astrid Fernández de Castro-Fabre
Izaris Rodríguez-Lohuiz
Yarisleiby Cruz-Cruz


The objetive of this work is to present the results of the diagnostic survey carried out to know the level of knowledge about computer science, at the Guayabal University Farm, where the research will be carried out to contribute to the development of a training program in digital skills that allows reducing technical barriers; through which vulnerable groups benefit from the experiences of academic expertise, contributing to the development of a training programme in digital skills to reduce technical barriers; through which vulnerable groups benefit from the experiences of academic expertise, contributing to the development of an agri-food sector ̧ highlight the gender approach, through the more active link of women, economically, socially and environmentally sustainable, making it a more attractive space and generator of quality and inclusive jobs. In the theoretical and practical foundation of the Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) project for sustainable land management and in the project, Development of the technological-scientific-teaching-productive scenario of Cuban agriculture at the Guayabal University Farm, the following problem is raised, how to improve the resilience of food production systems and promote the sustainable use of natural resources in the Cuban productive sector. The specific objectives of this project will be to identify, through a diagnosis, the technological means and training needs in digital skills, with an emphasis on women, to later design a training diploma in digital skills, and implement the training of trainers in these skills, promoting food security and sovereignty.

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How to Cite
Machado-García, N., de Castro-Fabre , A. F., Rodríguez-Lohuiz, I., & Cruz-Cruz , Y. (2024). Survey-diagnosis on the level of knowledge about computing, at the Guayabal University Farm. Ingeniería Agrícola, 14(4), Retrieved from
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