Evaluation of different cultivation densities of Moringa oleifera and its manufacture as a nutritional supplement

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Vivian Lago-Abascal
Susana Matos-Oliveros
Ernesto Almora-Hernández
Liz Bárbara Pereira-Cuní
Raisa Monteagudo-Borges
Efraín Rodríguez-Jiménez


Moringa oleifera provides benefits as human and animal food. For the expansion of this plant, it is not only necessary to increase the sowing density but also to evaluate the associated increase in foliar yield. To identify the most suitable frame of plantation that allows obtaining the highest foliar and bromatological yields of Moringa oleifera Lam. for a better quality of its nutritional composition. The leaves were harvested 45 days after the plantations were established. The approximate amount of leaves to obtain 1 kg of dry leaflets was collected from each replica. The leaves were manually destemmed and the leaflets were placed in trays for drying in ovens at a controlled temperature of 45 °C. The results in terms of plant height and stem diameter were similar in all planting frames. The largest population of fresh matter biomass was obtained in the 0.8 x 0.3 m sowing framework, where the highest yield of dry leaflets was also achieved. In general, the results of the metabolites were high, but were not influenced by the increase in stocking density. Conclusions: Moringa plantations manifest variations in performance in the productive stage according to the planting framework with similar bromatological characteristics that favor its use as a nutraceutical product.

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How to Cite
Lago-Abascal, V., Matos-Oliveros, S., Almora-Hernández, E., Pereira-Cuní, L. B., Monteagudo-Borges, R., & Rodríguez-Jiménez, E. (2024). Evaluation of different cultivation densities of Moringa oleifera and its manufacture as a nutritional supplement. Ingeniería Agrícola, 14(1), https://cu-id.com/2284/v14n1e09. Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/IAgric/article/view/1830
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