Adaptation of the Agricultural Production to the Climatic Change. Case Study

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Camilo Bonet-Pérez
Ayamir M. Agramonte-Almanza
Bárbara Mola-Fines
Dania Rodríguez-Correa
Pedro A. Guerrero-Posada


The agricultural production is more affected by the Climatic Change each day, motivate for that is required the application of measures that allow to minimize the negative goods of the droughts and other manifestations of changes in the climatic variables. The present work is carried out with the objective of to value the behavior of the climate during the last years in Camagüey municipality, and starting from the result, to propose measures of adaptation to the Climatic Change that  facilitate the production of several cultivations in a sustainable way in this territory. For this it was used like reference the behavior of the climate and their goods in the production of several cultivations in this municipality during the last years; as a result of this study is demonstrated that it is necessary to change the traditional concepts of plantation for campaigns of cold and spring, and to work more with the presage of behavior of the climatic variables. There are intend three intervention lines: the application of measures of adaptation and attenuation for the administration of the soil, as well as techniques measures to increase the administration of use of the water, and the procedures for improve the knowledge about the Climatic Change among producers, technicians and officials.

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How to Cite
Bonet-Pérez, C., Agramonte-Almanza, A. M., Mola-Fines, B., Rodríguez-Correa, D., & Guerrero-Posada, P. A. (2023). Adaptation of the Agricultural Production to the Climatic Change. Case Study. Ingeniería Agrícola, 13(4), Retrieved from
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