Evaluation of the level of knowledge about the environmental culture of the specialists in agriculture

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Mayra Wong-Barreiro
Amaury Rodríguez-González
José A. Martínez-Cañizares
Arcadio Ríos-Hernández


The use of certain techniques to impel the production brings countless affectations to the ecosystem; this happens for the lack of a true environmental culture. This work has as objective to evaluate the level of knowledge of managers, researchers, specialists and agricultural machinery personnel in the application of farming technologies and its incidence in the environment. For it was elaborated a survey directed to the checking of the environmental education, in order to evaluate the knowledge on how the agricultural machinery impact in the environment and which measures can take to diminish or to avoid it. The results indicate that although exists a general culture on the concept of environmental impact, there are not wholly knowledge aboutits effects. The entirety of those interviewed knows the different methods of soil farming and having in account its characteristics, which are the most aggressive, however 100 % of those interviewed revealed that in its radius faction it is applied the traditional technology of soil farming and all coincided that becomes necessary that before introducing a new technology in the productive process, it is necessary to evaluate its environmental impact.

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How to Cite
Wong-Barreiro, M., Rodríguez-González , A., Martínez-Cañizares , J. A., & Ríos-Hernández , A. (2023). Evaluation of the level of knowledge about the environmental culture of the specialists in agriculture. Ingeniería Agrícola, 13(4), https://cu-id.com/2284/v13n4e04. Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/IAgric/article/view/1751
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