Response of Coffee Seedlings to Foliar Application of a Biostimulator

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Yusdel Ferrás-Negrín
Carlos Alberto Bustamante-González
Vidalina Pérez-Salina


Foliar fertilization has contributed to improve nutrition in coffee seedlings. Codafol 14-6-5 is recommended for these purposes; however, there is no information on its use in Cuban coffee farming. The objective of this research was to study the response of coffee seedlings to foliar application of different concentrations of Codafol 14-6-5. The research was carried out in a nursery of the Agro-Forestry Experimental Station in the town of Jibacoa, Manicaragua municipality, Villa Clara province, Cuba. Four concentrations of Codafol 14-6-5 (0,125%, 0,25%, 0,375%, 0.50%) and a control treatment were studied in a randomized design. At the end of the nursery cycle, the height, stem diameter, dry mass, and leaf area of the coffee plantations were evaluated. They responded positively and significantly (p≤ 0,05) to Codafol spraying. Height, stem diameter, dry mass and leaf area increased up to 9,9%, 12,5%, 29,4% and 12,8%, respectively, compared to the control treatment. In a general sense, the best responses were obtained when Codafol was applied at 0,375%; from which, there was a tendency to decrease the average values of the variables evaluated.

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How to Cite
Ferrás-Negrín, Y., Bustamante-González, C. A., & Pérez-Salina, V. (2023). Response of Coffee Seedlings to Foliar Application of a Biostimulator. Ingeniería Agrícola, 13(3), Retrieved from
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