Results of the use in Uruguay of the multiplows for motorized traction and animal traction

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Carlos D. Ronzoni-Rebelino
Violeta Ronzoni-Galindo
Arcadio Rios-Hernández


The employment of disks plows and harrows turns the layers of the soil, gradually destroying its fertility. In Cuba was developed the technology of horizontal tillage, based on the multiplow, which contributes to diminish the erosion and compaction of the agricultural soils. The objective of the present work is to present the results obtained in Uruguay with the use of the technology of horizontal tillage, known in the country like “multicorte”, with versions of multiplows for tractor and animal traction, compared with those obtained in Cuba. After three cycles of soil tillage with the multiplow M 120, was demonstrated that the erosion of the soil decreased of 18,6 t/ha with the traditional technology to 0,5 t/ha with the horizontal tillage and the increment of the yields was from 30 % to 70 % in different crops, what corresponds with the results obtained in Cuba. In view of these results, the generalization of the technology of horizontal tillage is promoted in Uruguay and Argentina.

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How to Cite
Ronzoni-Rebelino, C. D., Ronzoni-Galindo, V., & Rios-Hernández, A. (2023). Results of the use in Uruguay of the multiplows for motorized traction and animal traction. Ingeniería Agrícola, 13(3), Retrieved from
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