Evaluation of technical and operational indicators of the New Holland TC 5070 combine harvester

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Enildo Osmani Abreu-Cruz
Ramón Liriano-González
Justo Eduardo Suárez-Tapia
Martha García-Rodríguez


With the increase in rice production and the increase in the areas to be harvested, it is necessary to introduce new technologies capable of assuming the work of harvesting the grain and knowing its main technical exploitation indicators that facilitate better management of these and greater knowledge of the harvest quality indices, aspects that were unknown in the Juan De Matas Reyes Credit and Services Cooperative (CCS), Pedro Betancourt Municipality, Matanzas Province. The behavior of the different times that intervene in the work day of the harvester was studied, the productivity indexes, the exploitation coefficients and labor quality indicators were calculated, as well as the different causes that originated losses. It was possible to conclude that the NEW HOLLAN TC5070 harvesting machine presents favorable technical conditions to carry out the harvesting work in the rice areas of this production unit. This shows that the main losses of time that the machine had were caused by causes beyond its control, with a greater incidence, the affectations due to organizational causes and meteorological conditions. Its efficiency was affected by the conditions of the crop, which caused a greater loss of grains and a decrease in its productive capacity.

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How to Cite
Abreu-Cruz, E. O., Liriano-González, R., Suárez-Tapia, J. E., & García-Rodríguez, M. (2023). Evaluation of technical and operational indicators of the New Holland TC 5070 combine harvester. Ingeniería Agrícola, 13(3), https://cu-id.com/2284/v13n3e03. Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/IAgric/article/view/1729
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