Analysis of the Economic Feasibility of the Mini-Industry “San Miguel” of the Municipality Güira de Melena

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Luisa Villarino-Fernández
Roberto Martínez-Varona
Pablo Orlando Pérez Guzmán
María del Carmen González-Lau


In the framework of the project Environmental Bases for the Local Alimentary Sustainability was created in the Cooperative of Credits and Services “Frank País” of the municipality Güira de Melena, the mini-industry “San Miguel”, with the objective of minimizing the adverse effects of the climaticchange that causes production losses and this way to achieve a precise planning of the volumes of products of fruits and vegetables to harvest and the ways for its commercialization. Seven years after the creation and starting of the mini-industry, it becomes necessary to value the economic feasibility in itsoperation with the purpose of contributing information for the taking of decisions as for the creation and management of other similar industries. For the economic analysis were used the cost of initial investment, starting from the expenses in Cuban pesos for the construction of the mini-industry and the machines, which were added later on, in order to know his total amount. The results obtained during the period 2016 - 2021 show that 45,23 % of raw material supplied to the mini-industry had good use, having in the first year of exploitation 1 728,2 hundreds of Cuban pesos of net profit and reaching up to 6 149,0 hundreds of Cuban pesos in the last year of study as consequence of the increase of the productive capacity, existing a yearly relationship benefit-cost of 1,81 as average and a time of recovering of the investment of 3,42 years, what demonstrates that under similar conditions it is profitable the creation of mini-industries for processing fruits and vegetables.

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How to Cite
Villarino-Fernández, L., Martínez-Varona, R., Pérez Guzmán, P. O., & González-Lau, M. del C. (2023). Analysis of the Economic Feasibility of the Mini-Industry “San Miguel” of the Municipality Güira de Melena. Ingeniería Agrícola, 13(2). Retrieved from
Nota Técnica


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