Analysis of Critical Rains in Areas of the Jiguaní Agricultural Company, Province Granma

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Michel Díaz-Arias
Alberto Méndez-Jocik
Julián Herrera-Puebla


The problems of excess of humidity in agricultural areas in Cuba are due to the combination of excessive rainfall, surfaces with little slope and soils with low infiltration, so the solutions to this problem are preferably directed to surface drainage. With a view to solve the above mentioned problems, the present work was directed to the determination of the rains considered in the design of a drainage system for citrus plantations to be developed on alluvial soils in areas of the Municipality Jiguaní in the Province Granma; where the accumulated average annual rainfall reaches 1 219 mm and the wettest month is October. A total of 213 were studied and through the Thielsen method the most representative of the area under study was selected, from 27 years of daily observations and grouped in periods of maximum rainfall of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 days in order to generate the height-duration-frequency curves. The Gumbel Type I distribution was used to obtain the design rainfall for the calculation of runoff for return periods of 3, 5 and 10 years. By applying the Kolmogorv-Smirnov test, the veracity of the Gumbel distribution was verified with 95 % confidence for the data used; while was determined that the critical rainfall for the calculation of the runoff to be evacuated was 126.1 mm for a return period of five years and three consecutive days of rainfall.

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How to Cite
Díaz-Arias, M., Méndez-Jocik, A., & Herrera-Puebla, J. (2021). Analysis of Critical Rains in Areas of the Jiguaní Agricultural Company, Province Granma. Ingeniería Agrícola, 11(4). Retrieved from
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