Factors that Influence the Throughput Capacity of Sugar Cane Harvesters in Villa Clara Province

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Juan A. Castillo-Rodríguez
Julio L. Ávalos-Clavelo
Omar González-Cueto
Sandra Sánchez-Valle
Manuel Acevedo-Darias
Yuriel León-Silverio
Elvis López-Bravo
Rafael Alejandro Salcerio-Salaberry
Yoel Betancourt-Rodríguez


Obtaining high throughput capacity in the operation of sugarcane harvesters is an index that conditions the obtaining of smaller direct operating expenses during the development of the harvest and transportation of sugar cane. The present work was carried out in order to analyze the factors that determine the throughput capacity or performance of KTP 2M and CASE IH 8000 combines based on different widths of the plots. The research was carried out at the Panchito Gómez Toro farm of the Villa Clara Sugar Enterprise, during the 2020 season. The main times of the movement within the fields of KTP-2M and CASE IH 8000 combines were obtained by stopwatch. Additionally, was obtained the fuel consumption during the work. The results show that plots widths of less than 300 m represent greater losses of time, and higher fuel consumption rates and that plots with widths greater than 500 m do not represent an increase in throughput capacity nor lower fuel consumption rates. The KTP combines are more productive for low-yield areas, given the savings fuel per ton harvested tin relation to the CASE. The turning time, fuel consumption index and time to harvest the daily norm must be known prior to harvest, since these factors are decisive for a proper organization of the work of the harvesters group.

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How to Cite
Castillo-Rodríguez, J. A., Ávalos-Clavelo, J. L., González-Cueto, O., Sánchez-Valle, S., Acevedo-Darias, M., León-Silverio, Y., López-Bravo, E., Salcerio-Salaberry, R. A., & Betancourt-Rodríguez, Y. (2021). Factors that Influence the Throughput Capacity of Sugar Cane Harvesters in Villa Clara Province. Ingeniería Agrícola, 11(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/IAgric/article/view/1342
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