Optimization of the Production of Resources for E-Elearning through Mathematical Tools

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Misleydis Quintero-León
Alexis Torres-Alonso
Boris Pérez-Hernández
Miguel Ángel Zaldívar
Darielis Vizcay-Villafranca


The present work was carried out in the Agrarian University of the Havana in the career IPAI in its modality at distance as a result of a Project associated to a National Program to the mathematical economic employment of models in the foundation of the Institutional planning, and he/she has as objective the application of the methods of optimization (lineal programming) for the scientifically argued selection of the variant of plan of production of courses for the Platform Moodle. In the development they are applied a series of general and specific methods of investigation, among those that stand out the mathematical economic methods and the analysis of documents. As a result, main the work contributes, starting from the formulation theoretical general of the pattern of lineal programming, the specific theoretical formulation for this application type in the Institutional planning and its practical validation in the case of study.

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How to Cite
Quintero-León, M., Torres-Alonso, A., Pérez-Hernández, B., Zaldívar, M. Ángel, & Vizcay-Villafranca, D. (2020). Optimization of the Production of Resources for E-Elearning through Mathematical Tools. Ingeniería Agrícola, 10(3). Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/IAgric/article/view/1268
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