Operation Indicators of the CASE IH Austoft 8800 Sugar Cane Harvest

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Rigoberto Martínez Ramírez
Manuel Acevedo Pérez
Raudely Yanes Alonso
Omar González Cueto


In 2008, CASE IH A 7000 sugarcane harvesters were introduced into the country, which led to great advances in the mechanized harvesting system. However, its rolling by pneumatic wheels, limit its use in conditions of high humidity of the soils; which is why caterpillars or mats harvesters were subsequently acquired. Taking into account the need to evaluate their behavior in our conditions, this work was carried out with the objective of determining the productivity indices and operating coefficients of the CASE IH A 8800 combine. The same was carried out during two consecutive harvest season, in Carlos Perera sugar cane production unit, located in areas of Hector Rodriguez sugar mill, on the north coast of the Villa Clara province; in dry land plantations, in a Sialitic Brown soil. The evaluation was carried out according to the Methodology for the Technological - exploitative evaluation, contained in the Cuban standard NC 34-37: 2003. The results showed that, in the 2015-2016 harvest, the productivity indexes, except the productivity per hour of exploitation, were higher than those achieved in 2016-2017; in what influenced, fundamentally, the greater agricultural yield of the plantations harvested. The coefficients of work passes and technical maintenance, in both sapphires, reached similar or higher values than other harvester models exploited in the country.

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How to Cite
Martínez Ramírez, R., Acevedo Pérez, M., Yanes Alonso, R., & González Cueto, O. (2020). Operation Indicators of the CASE IH Austoft 8800 Sugar Cane Harvest. Ingeniería Agrícola, 10(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/IAgric/article/view/1216
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