Conventional and Conservation Tillage in Soybean Cropping (Glycine max (L) Merril)

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Nacib Barboza
Pablo Hernández-Alfonso
Pedro Paneque-Rondón
María Victoria Gómez-Águila
Alexander Miranda-Caballero


The objective of the research was to compare the energy cost and operating expenses of the main mechanized agricultural operations in soybean cropping, emphasizing the tillage / sowing operations and quantifying their possible savings using the conservation system, in relation to the conventional system in the plateau of Guanipa, state Anzoátegui, Venezuela, based on the hypothesis that it is possible in Los Riecitos, Municipality Freites, state Anzoátegui, to reduce in these works the energy cost in more than 10% in the exploitation of agricultural machinery. It was used in the experimental design an analysis of variance for the determination if there are or not significant differences between the population means of each variable and the treatments applied. For the determination of energy and exploitation costs was used the program “Energy and Exploitation Costs (CEE)”. In each experimental unit were studied apparent density, humidity and soil resistance and also fuel consumption and energy cost. It is concluded that in the depths studied the physic-mechanical characteristics of the soils of the plots tested do not interfere in the application of the treatments. The system with the lowest energy cost, operating expenses and fuel consumption as a percentage was conservation (88.19% and 89.21% respectively). The technology used in the conservation system meant a saving of labor, by investing less time (4 h • ha-1) of use of the machinery.

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How to Cite
Barboza, N., Hernández-Alfonso, P., Paneque-Rondón, P., Gómez-Águila, M. V., & Miranda-Caballero, A. (2019). Conventional and Conservation Tillage in Soybean Cropping (Glycine max (L) Merril). Ingeniería Agrícola, 9(3). Retrieved from
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