Quality of the Underground Water in the Municipality Jimaguayú

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Lisset Maria Pérez-Gómez
Pedro Guerrero-Posada
Martha de la Caridad Suarez-Acuña


With the objective to monitoring the current situation of the indicators of quality of the underground waters and to establish the measures to reach the appropriate parameters for the irrigation activities, supply to the cattle raising and the human consumption, was carried out a diagnostic study of the available underground waters for the agricultural sector in selected productive units and important communities of the municipality Jimaguayú, using as approach the established norms for the quality of the water. It was carried out an analysis of the results of the physic-chemical and bacteriological samplings in the evaluated points. As a result of the study was determined that the waters are affected in many of the observed points, with danger of salinity with high values of electric conductivity and of toxicity to the crops due to the high tenors of sodium and chlorine in the sources corresponding to the dairies 5-29 and 12-11 and the well 1 of the dairy 12-2 used for the irrigation, and the presence of nitrates and fecal contamination in the sources dedicated to the human consumption in the dairies, being concluded that it will be necessary to apply measures that allow to improve the quality of the underground waters.

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How to Cite
Pérez-Gómez, L. M., Guerrero-Posada, P., & Suarez-Acuña, M. de la C. (2019). Quality of the Underground Water in the Municipality Jimaguayú. Ingeniería Agrícola, 9(3). Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/IAgric/article/view/1136
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