Design Characteristic of a Surface Drainage System in Forage Areas

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José Antonio González-Rodríguez
Julián Herrera-Puebla
Yunier Díaz-Pérez


Forage production in Cuba is of paramount importance for the consumption of tropical livestock, the areas dedicated to obtaining this food are generally located in soils prone to waterlogging, that caused a decrease in forages yields, particularly in the rainy season. In areas of Niña Bonita ¨ enterprise, in the municipality of Bauta, (Artemisa’s province); was selected a 200 ha forage field, in order to carry out an study of drainage needs and a proposal of possible solutions and economic feasibility of drainage solutions visualizes. Rainfall were studied in the period from 1994 to 2014, and surface runoff was calculates using curve number (CN) method. The design rainfall was 176.11 mm, which produce a maximum runoff of 160.9 mm; when using a 72-hour drain time, a drainage coefficient of 5.96 L/s ha was obtained, which produces a total design flow of 484 l/S. In attention to the above the proposed drainage system consists of a collector channel parallel to the main vial, which, due to the changes in slope in the ground was divided into four sections; Having sufficient capacity to evacuate the 484 L/s of the calculated flow rate. In all cases, channels have been calculated to exceed the flow to be evacuated by 27%, it would guarantee their maintenance-free operation in at least two years.

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How to Cite
González-Rodríguez, J. A., Herrera-Puebla, J., & Díaz-Pérez, Y. (2018). Design Characteristic of a Surface Drainage System in Forage Areas. Ingeniería Agrícola, 8(4), 12. Retrieved from
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