General Energy Yield in the Furrows Irrigation System

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Oscar Brown-Manrique
Alexander Hernández-Rodríguez
Gisel Guerra-Hernández
Beatriz Melo-Camaraza
Yaily Beltran-Perez
Dayma Carmenates-Hernandez


The energy efficiency of irrigation systems is an aspect of great importance in all design and management processes; For this reason, an investigation was carried out in the "Tío Pedro" farm located in the municipality of Venezuela, Ciego de Ávila province during the years 2021 and 2022 with the objective of estimating the general energy yield in the furrow irrigation system. During this period, the pump unit offers the following average operating regime: pump flow rate of 61.1 L s-1; pumping time of 2,8 hours and pumping head of 18.2 m. This behavior reduces a hydraulic power of 10.9 kW and a pump efficiency of 85.2%. The energy supplied in pumping was 429.4 kWh and the energy absorbed in the evaluated period was 631.9 kWh. In relation to the energy parameters of the system, an energy balance of the supply of 7,4 m was obtained; a system energy load index of 15.2 m; an energy efficiency of the pumping of 68.2% (excellent) and a general energy efficiency of the system of 34.0% (normal).

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Como Citar
Brown-Manrique, O., Hernández-Rodríguez, A., Guerra-Hernández, G., Melo-Camaraza, B., Beltran-Perez, Y., & Carmenates-Hernandez, D. (2024). General Energy Yield in the Furrows Irrigation System. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 33(1), Obtido de
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